THe high risky strategy that pays handsome payouts

   Hi  here comes a new strategy for this Christmas which has been working fine for me. This strategy is not for beginners and is for players who has a minimum of 0.0001 btc in their pocket. 

This strategy is working fine for me as i have a higher pocket to risk for and not to forget mention it is not for light hearted are the one with small pockets.The strategy  does not ensure you that it works finefor you as well.

Now coming down to the strategy

Strategy :

base bet 15-20 satoshi

payout : 3.4997x

roll under 29.12

on loss increase by 52%

on win return to base bet

**Gambling is for fun and not a money making thing and has to remember that the house always wins.

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  1. is2dr said...

    This is a good strategy. I tried it and it is working well. Thanks.
    Do you have a new strategy for low balance on this june ?

  2. Unknown said...

  3. Unknown said...

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